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长歌行 - i2star #夏达 #漫画歌曲 #中文歌曲 #华语歌曲 #流行音乐 #Chinese #lyrics Chinese Music | Traditional Chinese Music ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 踏飞沙茫茫 皓月下驼铃北往 Stepping into the boundless sand, riding the camel heading north under the bright moon 算前路漫漫 旧时簪藏进行囊 A long way ahead, hide my hairpin into my luggage 沉默守望的胡杨 风掠过它的颈项 The wind blows over the neck of the silent Populus 长河千山之后 是回不去的故乡 After thousands of rivers and mountains, it is the homeland that I can never go back to 梦里的长安 飞花香满川 The Changan in my dream is full of flowers 朱檐入云林 勾阑金玉錾 Red eaves are straight into the sky, Hooked golden chisel 这雕梁碧血染 白骨垒阑杆 Who knows these carved beams are stained with blood, the beautiful fences are stacked upon bones 满目离乱 哪里有真的长安 I can only see chaos, where is the real Changan 我拭去红妆 走在风雨路上 天地苍茫引我去向何方 I wipe away my makeup, walk on the road with rains and thunders, where should I go in the world? 残阳下又飞过秋燕一行 天尽头是否有它的心乡 A row of wild goose flies under the setting sun. Is there a homeland for their hearts? 我执剑引戈 撕开山河蛮荒 涤荡后又新添多少悲伤 I hold my sword, tear the mountains and rivers apart, how much sorrow is added after being washed again 爱恨凋零后连回忆都沧桑 偏有执着此生不忘 After love and hate fade, even memories are vicissitudes, but something I hold onto will never be forgotten for my whole life 美玉和芳华 都蹉跎成遗憾 Jade and beauty all become pity as time goes by 沧溟的鹏鱼 也被放进河川 Even Kun in BeiMing is also put into the river 是谁在悄声叹 轻声的呢喃 Who is sighing silently, who is whispering softly 回不去还 痴痴盼望眼欲穿 I can never go back, but I never stop looking at the direction of my homeland 我跌跌撞撞 走在风雨路上 且行且悟看尽家国沧桑 I stumbled, seeing and understanding the ups and downs of my home country while walking on this tough road 这乱世相濡以沫都成奢望 纵遂愿也不过一梦黄梁 Being together is an impossible dream in this unrest world, all wishes are just impossible dreams 我披上红妆 走在风雨路上 执笔绘锦绣再迎风踏浪 I put on all my makeup, walking on this tough road, holding my pen to draw a beautiful world and riding against the wind and waves again 曾许谁的桃花他乡和故乡 辗转天涯愿所见皆安康 No matter other land or homeland, I hope all is well after all these times 我长歌且行 走在风雨路上 I sing the songs and walk on this road of rain and thunder 风雨将散云后隐隐天光 After the wind and rain goes away I believe I will see the sun 我纵身雷霆劈开魑魅魍魉 千帆过尽依稀有心乡 I tear the thunder apart and chase away the ghost. I still leave a place for my homeland in my heart after all the challenges 不曾遗忘的盛世大唐 The unforgettable Tang Dynasty ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 玄武门之变后,太子李建成及其党羽被诛,他的六个儿子除一人早卒外皆连坐,但历史上仅留下“长女李氏”和“次女闻喜县主李婉顺字尪娘嫁刘应道为妻”的记载。 李建成之女,永宁公主李长歌得知父亲被杀,母亲自尽的消息,满怀愤恨地逃出皇宫,女扮男装隐瞒身份,只为能带着兵马杀回长安为父母报仇... 城门如旧,人事已非,梦中遥想,身世湮没 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 申明:部分图片来自于互联网,歌曲版权为歌手本人及其音乐公司所有,若喜欢他们的音乐请支持正版。本頻频道只为歌曲推广宣传使用,无意冒犯任何人或公司。请大家支持原创,内容论点与本频道无关;若版权方认为影片有侵害到您的版权权益的内容,我們將彻底删除视频。