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[4K] DRAGON MART 1 & 2 | Cheapest Mall in Dubai | Full Walking Tour

A complete walkthrough on a busy Friday weekend around the cheapest mall in Dubai UAE - Dragon Mart 1 & 2! It is the largest one stop shop selling Chinese products for all household items, furniture, electronics, toys, fashion and more! It was a long walk around this both gigantic malls but it was fun to look around the various stores and the crowd of shoppers too! 00:00 Intro 00:58 Drive to Dragon Mart 01:17 Outside Dragon Mart 1 02:07 Inside Dragon Mart 1 20:48 Outside Dragon Mart 2 22:06 Inside Dragon Mart 2 30:13 Dragon Mart 2 second floor 31:00 Food Court 34:11 Going back to Dragon Mart 1 36:09 Back inside Dragon Mart 1 We hope you enjoy our virtual walking tour of Dragon Mart Dubai! Please help us grow our channel by subscribing & liking our videos! Make sure to click the bell icon to get notified of our upcoming videos of driving and touring around Dubai and other Emirates in the UAE.    / alphalibz   If you like our video, please do click the like button! Feel free to comment below which place in Dubai and UAE you want us to do a driving & walking vlog next. Your comments & suggestions will be very helpful to our channel! SEE YOU ON OUR NEXT VIDEO! PLEASE KNOW THAT WE TRULY APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! CONNECT WITH US: FB Page:   / alphalibz   Instagram:   / alphalibz   E-mail: [email protected] #dragonmart #dragonmartdubai #dragonmart2021 #dragonmart4k #dubaidragonmart #dragonmart1 #dragonmart2 #dragonmartshopping #dubaiwalkingtour #dubaicitytour #dubaishopping #cheapestmallindubai #dubaiwalkingtour2021
