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Fort Lauderdale 2023 6 месяцев назад

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Fort Lauderdale 2023

As part of a family trip to SoFlo (South Florida) in 2023, we set up base camp in Fort Lauderdale. This gave us easy access to cities like Miami and gorgeous destinations like the Florida Keys and the Everglades. In Fort Lauderdale, we spent most of our time at the beach, where the sand was hot to touch and the sea water was the temperature of a bath! Our highlight in Fort Lauderdale was the Riverboat Queen Cruise, which involved cruising past expensive homes, dining on BBQ food, enjoying live entertainment and then cruising back again. #fortlauderdale #fortlauderdalebeach #fortlauderdalefl #florida #floridalife #floridatravel #soflo #riverboat #cruise #usa #america #2023 #swhardy
