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NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte speech at Carnegie Europe event, 12 DEC 2024

Speech by the NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte followed by a conversation moderated by Dr. Rosa Balfour, Director of Carnegie Europe, 12 December 2024. 🗣 | NATO Secretary General: Thank you very much Rosa, and many thanks to Carnegie Europe for organising this event today in this spectacular venue. And it’s great to see so many people here in the room and I know many more join us online, from all over the world. So good morning, afternoon, evening to you all! I’m very honoured to start a crucial conversation with the citizens living in NATO countries, especially in Europe and Canada. It’s you I’m talking to. It’s your support I need. It’s your voices and actions that will determine our future security. I’ll be honest: the security situation does not look good. It’s undoubtedly the worst in my lifetime. And I suspect in yours too. From Brussels, it takes one day to drive to Ukraine. One day - That’s how close the Russian bombs are falling. It’s how close the Iranian drones are flying. And not very much further, the North Korean soldiers are fighting. Every day, this war causes more devastation and death. Every week, there are over 10.000 killed or wounded on all sides in Ukraine. Over 1 million casualties since February 2022. Putin is trying to wipe Ukraine off the map. He is trying to fundamentally change the security architecture that has kept Europe safe for decades. And he is trying to crush our freedom and way of life. His pattern of aggression is not new. But for too long, we did not act. Georgia in 2008. Crimea in 2014. And many did not want to believe he would launch all-out war on Ukraine in February 2022. How many more wake-up calls do we need? We should be profoundly concerned. I know I am. Russia’s economy is on a war footing. In 2025, the total military spending will be 7 to 8% of GDP, if not more. That’s a third of Russia’s state budget – and the highest level since the Cold War. And Russia’s defence industry is producing huge numbers of tanks, armoured vehicles, and ammunition. What Russia lacks in quality, it makes up for in quantity – with the help of China, Iran and North Korea. This all points in one clear direction: Russia is preparing for long-term confrontation. With Ukraine. And with us. Hostile actions against Allied countries are real and accelerating. Malicious cyber-attacks on both sides of the Atlantic. Assassination attempts on British and German soil. Explosions at an ammunition warehouse in Czechia. The weaponization of migrants crossing illegally into Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. Jamming to disrupt civil aviation in the Baltic region. These attacks are not just isolated incidents. They are the result of a coordinated campaign to destabilise our societies and discourage us from supporting Ukraine. They circumvent our deterrence and bring the front line to our front doors. Even into our homes. Putin believes that “a serious, irreconcilable struggle is unfolding for the formation of a new world order.” These are his own words. Others share his belief. Not least China. We need to be clear-eyed about China’s ambitions. China is substantially building up its forces, including its nuclear weapons – with no transparency and no limitations. From 200 warheads in 2020, China is expected to have more than a 1,000 nuclear weapons by 2030. Its space-launch investments are skyrocketing. China is bullying Taiwan, and pursuing access to our critical infrastructure in ways that could cripple our societies. Russia, China, but also North Korea and Iran, are hard at work to try to weaken North America and Europe. To chip away at our freedom. They want to reshape the global order. Not to create a fairer one, but to secure their own spheres of influence. They are testing us. And the rest of the world is watching. No, we are not at war. But we are certainly not at peace either. *** I want to be clear: There is no imminent military threat to our 32 Allies. Because NATO has been transforming to keep us safe. Transcript continues: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel SUBSCRIBE to NATO News SUBSCRIBE to NATO History Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: Receive NATO updates via email: Find NATO on FACEBOOK: Follow @NATO on X/TWITTER: Follow NATO on Instagram: Find NATO on LinkedIn: Find NATO on Flickr: #NATO #OTAN #carnegieendowment
