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A Tidal Wave of Terror | 1950's Sci-Fi Horror | Attack Of The Crab Monsters

#crabs #monsters #alien #island #tenaatv #vintagescifi #scifi A team of scientists journeys to a remote island to investigate the aftermath of nuclear weapons testing. When their plane mysteriously explodes, they’re left stranded on the island, only to discover it’s overrun by giant, intelligent mutant crabs. As if that weren’t enough, the island itself is sinking into the sea. Can anyone survive and escape this nightmare? -------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to be notified of all the latest releases:    / @tenaatv   --------------------------------------------------------------- Watch More: ► Outlaw Women:    • Driving the West Wild | Outlaw Women ...   ► Spyfall:    • Spyfall | Comedy | Full Movie   ► Horrors of Spider Island:    • Видео   --------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with TenaaTV: Like TenaaTV on Facebook:   / tenaatv   Follow TenaaTV on Twitter:   / tenaatv   Follow TenaaTV on Instagram:   / tenaatv  
