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Guildford Walk: Town Centre【4K】

The town of Guildford in the county of Surrey is located 27 miles/43 km southwest of London. Guildford was home to the English Royal Mint from 978 AD until part-way through the reign of William the Conqueror. Guildford Castle was built during William's reign in the motte and bailey style. The surviving walls and castle keep are 12th and 13th century. The castle grounds were opened to the public as a garden in 1888 to mark Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee the year before. In circa 1550, Guildford Guildhall was built. The building, along with its projecting clock which was added in 1683, still stands on the high street today (visible around the 3-minute mark). Also on the high street are two statues. The first, in order of appearance, is The Surrey Scholar. Unveiled in 2002, it represents all the assets of Guildford, with its links to culture, art and music. Guildford has strong links to academia with The University of Surrey located here, as well as a royal grammar school just off the high street. The second is a statue of George Abbot. Born in Guildford, Abbot was the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1611 to 1633. He founded the Hospital of the Blessed Trinity in 1619, otherwise known as Abbot's Hospital, which provided homes for the elderly of Guildford. In the 1970s the town became the focus of an infamous miscarriage of justice when the Guildford Four were convicted of an IRA bombing of a Guildford pub which killed five and injured many more. The Guildford Four had their convictions quashed nearly fifteen years into their life sentences. 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO 4K EXPLORER FOR NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK 👇 Filmed: 6th March 2021 Link to the walk on Google Maps: Filmed on a Sony FDR-AX700 with a Zhiyun Crane 2 and a Rode Stereo VideoMic Pro. TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 High Street 1:06 The Surrey Scholar Statue 1:14 High Street 4:50 George Abbot Statue 4:59 North Street 7:34 Market Street 8:46 High Street 9:54 Chapel Street 10:56 Castle Street 12:21 Guildford Castle Grounds 13:03 War Memorial & Bowls Green 13:22 Castle Keep 13:36 Guildford Castle Grounds 14:20 Castle Keep 16:12 Guildford Castle Grounds 19:03 Peak's Pond 19:12 Guildford Castle Grounds
