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Скачать с ютуб Dr David R Hawkins and Oprah Winfrey discuss Power vs Force and Consciousness в хорошем качестве

Dr David R Hawkins and Oprah Winfrey discuss Power vs Force and Consciousness 4 месяца назад

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Dr David R Hawkins and Oprah Winfrey discuss Power vs Force and Consciousness

If you are interested in finding out more about yourself and how to turn your life around you should join Peter Sage's EMF. Peter Sage, like myself, is a BIG fan of Dr David Hawkins and his work. We need to continue it and disseminate the information. Use this link, please, so that I can get the recognition Many thanks Alternatively, if you are looking for healing trauma and other issues, want to master your negative emotions (stress, anxiety, phobias, depression, trauma... etc...) you can also join my private FB group, here:   / emotionalselfmasteryandawareness   or check out my FB profile, here:   / florian.weinhold.9   Dr David Hawkins is one of the Greats who lead the way... a beacon for those who are ready to step up to the plate and undergo their shift. It's all about #truth #consciousness #integrity #kindness #understanding #compassion #gratitude #peace and #love Dr David Hawkins was a paragon of all of these. I do what I can. When you are ready to heal and rise - make the Shift (W. Dyer) - come and join me in my FB group   / emotionalselfmasteryandawareness   We can take it from there with a free (no catch) strategy/consultation call. Just join and book. Easy :-) #drdavidhawkins #drhawkins #mapofconsciousness #powervsforce #statesof consciousness #enlightenment #oprahwinfrey #spiritual #spiritualfreedom #awareness #awakening #awakeningconsciousness
