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Скачать с ютуб Vila Galé Cerro Alagoa Room Tour - Albufeira - Portugal в хорошем качестве

Vila Galé Cerro Alagoa Room Tour - Albufeira - Portugal 7 дней назад

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Vila Galé Cerro Alagoa Room Tour - Albufeira - Portugal

Hi Everyone, Here is a quick look around room 359 at #vilage #cerroalagoa in #albufeira in #portugal My first impression of the hotel was it was quick old and needed modernisation, but I think that might just be Portugal in general. The room was easy big enough for 2 adults and a teen and came with free WiFi (which is a big thing for younger people). The fridge was handy to keep our drinks cool although a price list for the drinks would have been nice, we purposely never drank them incase we got charged extortionate prices. The beds was comfortable, it was annoying having to keep pushing 2 of them together and we had to ask 3 times for an extra pillow. Daily maid service made our beds, changed our towels and emptied our bin. Speaking to people locally, I got the impression that this was one of the top hotels in the area. It’s about 10 minutes walk down to the beach (notice the word down!) but the beach is great and mainly clean.
