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🤩 CHICAGO - TOP 8 MOST EAT, SEE and DO | Luis Roman

What to EAT, SEE and DO in Chicago, Illinois. Join me as I explore the TOP 8 things you can do while visiting the Windy City for a day or even longer. Amtrak Overnight Private Room Experience (DENVER TO CHICAGO):    • 😏 19 hrs on Amtrak Sleeper Train - De...   00:00 Intro 00:39 Sunrise at Lake Michigan - Millennium Park 01:35 Cloud Gate (The Bean) 02:55 What to eat - Coffee 03:32 River Architecture Tour 06:39 What to eat - Deep Dish Pizza 07:46 What to eat - Ice Cream 08:00 Magnificent Mile - Walking Tour 09:39 Skydeck Chicago - The Ledge Experience Chicago River Architecture Tour: Skydeck Chicago at Willis Tower: 🔥INSTAGRAM (@luisromanvlog)   / luisromanvlog   🔥TWITTER (@luisromanvlog)   / luisromanvlog   Here is a list of the equipment I use for my vlogs: ➤GoPro Hero 10: ➤Media Mod for GoPro (directional mic + let's you connect wireless mic): ➤Sony ZV-1: ➤Vlogger Kit for Sony ZV-1: ➤Wide Lens for Sony ZV-1: 🎵Did you like the music in the video? Use the link below to download the songs for free to use on your own videos or for personal use... #chicago #chicagoillinois
