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Samurai Warriors 5 - Is It Any Good? (Review) 3 года назад

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Samurai Warriors 5 - Is It Any Good? (Review)

For Patreon, Instagram, Twitter and more, please click the following link: Become a member of the Consoles Only YouTube Channel!:    / @consolesonlygaming   This is my review of Samurai Warriors 5 for PS4 (played on a PS5 Console). I did NOT receive a review copy of this game. Check out Pyro Games: Pyro Games is a UK based online retro gaming store. International shipping is available. Store Opens May 15th 2021 Use Code: "CONSOLESONLY" for 10% off your order (One use, valid until end 2021) DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or reimbursed for this advertisement in any way. #samuraiwarriors5 #koeitecmo #review #SW5 #gamecollection #playstation #sony #PS5 #PS4 #PS3 #gaming #consolegaming #games #videogames #nintendo #microsoft #xbox #nintendoswitch #game #gamer #consolesonly
