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Kim Stanley Robinson - The High Sierra: A Love Story | INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast (325) 1 год назад

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Kim Stanley Robinson - The High Sierra: A Love Story | INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast (325)

#KimStanleyRobinson #galileo #minitstryforthefuture In this live in-studio episode of The INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE, host Brian Keating sat down with renowned science fiction author, Kim Stanley Robinson, to discuss his fist major non-fiction work, The High Sierra: A Love Story. Equal parts memoir, guidebook, geology tutorial, and historiography, in High Sierra, Robinson describes the geological forces that shaped the Sierras and the history of its exploration, going back to the indigenous peoples who made it home and whose traces can still be found today in the knapping fields of obsidian chips. He celebrates the people whose ideas and actions protected the High Sierra for future generations. He describes uniquely beautiful hikes and the trails to be avoided. Robinson’s own life-altering events, defining relationships, and unforgettable adventures form the narrative’s spine. And he illuminates the human communion with the wild and with the sublime, including the personal growth that only seems to come from time spent outdoors. Stan reveals his writing process (he treats it as a job and doesn’t “wait” for inspiration). Keating and Robinson also discuss Robinson's book, "Galileo's Dream" exploring one of Professor Keating’s heroes and the lessons Stan learned from researching the great scientist. Robinson emphasizes the importance of melding science and art, arguing that the split between them is due to a lack of understanding and a unified approach is essential to the progress of humanity. He defends John Muir against accusations of racism, and mistreatment of Native Americans, pointing out Muir's desire to preserve the Sierras, his recognition of Native American stewardship and his admonitions to get outside. Host Keating even gets feedback on his science fiction novel pitch. Kim Stanley Robinson is a New York Times bestseller and winner of the Hugo, Nebula, and Locus awards. He is the author of more than twenty books, including the bestselling Mars trilogy and the critically acclaimed 2312, Shaman, New York 2140, and The Ministry for the Future. He traveled in Antarctica twice, courtesy of the US National Science Foundation. In 2008, he was named a “Hero of the Environment” by Time magazine, and he works with the Sierra Nevada Research Institute. He lives in Davis, California. [00:01:19] Stan Robinson talks about Galileo and Sierra Nevada. [00:05:05] Galileo inspired writer to overcome struggle. [00:14:35] Routine: work-like habits, research, writing streak. [00:20:03] STEM vs Humanities, poetry and science explained. [00:23:49] Humanities need protection, diversity of curiosity important. [00:32:39] Moon tourism: a unique economic opportunity [00:36:32] Childhood friend's innovative contributions to backpacking industry. [00:45:22] Reading proves Muir mostly not racist. [00:47:24] Muir defended, did not mistreat Native Americans. [00:53:48] Medicine's contribution to extended lifetime; Paul Davies. [00:58:25] "Impossible" means impossible, no faster-than-light travel. Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @drbriankeating   👊 B O N U S AI C O N T E N T 👊 📺 Watch my most popular videos:📺 Neil Turok    • Why Neil Turok Believes Physics Is In...   Frank Wilczek    • Nobel Prizewinner Frank Wilczek: Beau...   Eric Weinstein vs. Stephen Wolfram    • Stephen Wolfram vs. Eric Weinstein: M...   Sir Roger Penrose:    • Nobel Prize in Physics, Black Holes a...   Sabine Hossenfelder:    • “I Don’t Care About Your Theory of Ev...   Avi Loeb:    • UFOs & UAPs: The Situation Has Change...   Follow me to ask questions of my guests: 🏄‍♂️ Twitter:   / drbriankeating   🔔 Subscribe 📝 Join my mailing list; just click here ✍️ Detailed Blog posts here: 🎙️ Listen on audio-only platforms: #universe #podcast #briankeating #intotheimpossible #science #astronomy #cosmology #cosmicmicrowavebackground ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: ""I understand Quantum Mechanics after this discovery!" Stephen Wolfram"    • Stephen Wolfram | My Discovery Change...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~
