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Скачать с ютуб Easiest way to get from Singapore to Legoland Malaysia via WTS Bus в хорошем качестве

Easiest way to get from Singapore to Legoland Malaysia via WTS Bus 4 месяца назад

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Easiest way to get from Singapore to Legoland Malaysia via WTS Bus

Welcome to another episode of The Biannual Travellers. In this video, we will be sharing our experience taking the WTS bus from Singapore, Suntec City to Malaysia, Legoland. #sunteccity #legoland #legolandmalaysia Check out our sub channel for more food videos: ​ @wonderingpassport Check out our Facebook page for updates:   / thebiannualtravellers   This is not a sponsored video. All reaction are based on first hand reaction to the event taking place.
