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Скачать с ютуб What kind of a mechanic says 'Screw It' to a Porsche Macan GTS? The CAR WIZARD shows just who в хорошем качестве

What kind of a mechanic says 'Screw It' to a Porsche Macan GTS? The CAR WIZARD shows just who 3 года назад

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What kind of a mechanic says 'Screw It' to a Porsche Macan GTS? The CAR WIZARD shows just who

Why would a mechanic not complete a job on this 2018 Porsche Macan GTS? Why would they just say 'screw it' and leave the repair incomplete? The CAR WIZARD 🧙‍♂️ shows exactly what he found and how it was an insanely cheap fix. 🔮🔧 AMAZON AFFILIATE STORE: 🔧🔮 🇬🇧🇬🇧 UK AMAZON STORE: 🇬🇧🇬🇧 🧰 BENDPAK LIFTS: 🧰 👕 CAR WIZARD MERCH: 👕 📷 INSTAGRAM @therealcarwizard 📷
