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A Beginner's Guide to German Cinema

support the channel:   / evanchester   You can watch all my film beginner's guides here:    • A Beginner's Guide to Art House Cinema   This video is intended as a beginner’s guide to the world of German cinema. I discuss the New German Cinema and German Expressionism movements as well as directors such as Fritz Lang, Werner Herzog, Rainer Fassbinder, Wim Wenders, Wolfgang Peterson, and F.W. Murnau. Please follow me on Twitter @KinoPravdaBlog, on Instagram @evanmchester or on Facebook:   / kinopravda23 If you'd like to support the channel you can donate here: 0:08 German Expressionism 6:32 Nazis 7:01 New German Cinema 13:13 The 1980s 14:15 The 21st Century
