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Pros and Cons of Living in New Hampshire

On this episode of Coop Knows NH I am going to highlight some of the pros and cons of living here in this beautiful state of New Hampshire. If you are thinking of a move and need some guidance and advice, please reach out. You can view all active New Hampshire homes for sale on my website : I am a full time Realtor® with Bean Group in Bedford NH and love to post videos on a variety of topics to include real estate, local business spotlights and all things New Hampshire. L E T ' S CONNECT ! B L O G ➳ F A C E B O O K ➳   / kevincoopernh   I N S T A G R A M ➳   / kevincoopernh   T W I T T E R ➳   / kevincoopernh   S N A P C H A T ➳ @KevinCooperNH Thank you so much for you watching my goofy videos! I am always looking for ideas for my next video. If you have an idea, I would love to hear it. If you want to talk about New Hampshire real estate, have your business featured on a future episode of CoopKNowsNH or just ramble about this great state feel free to email me anytime at [email protected] or call / text 603-678-4200.
