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2021 Land Cruisers - Midnight Black vs Blizzard Pearl

Take a tour of 2021 Toyota Land Cruiser. We have both to review -- a Midnight Black and a Blizzard Pearl. What one do you like best? Check out my Amazon Top Picks list: Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:29 What exactly IS Land Cruiser? 00:57 Pricing & About L. Cruiser 01:43 Walkaround 02:34 Performance 03:24 Front end features 04:52 2021 changes & back end 06:44 Profile features 07:54 Fuel facts 08:09 Interior 1st look 08:51 How seats work 10:10 Interior tour 15:47 Window sticker 17:52 Ending & final thoughts ⬇️ Products to help you: 1. Toyota Keyless Entry Remotes & Smart Fobs: 2. Radar Detectors that Work!: 3. LASFIT Auto Lighting & Floor Liners: 4. Toyota Parts & Accessories (AutoPartsToys): ⬇️ Jeff on Social: My website: My Toyota column: Facebook:   / toyotajeff1   Instagram:   / toyotajeff1   Twitter:   / toyotajeff1   Email: [email protected] Jeff Teague is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program as well as other affiliate marketing networks. Jeff may receive a small commission for products ordered through links on his social media. No purchase necessary or required. Thanks everyone for your support of my channel. Please watch an ad or two while looking at my videos. It helps and I have great partners!
