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Скачать с ютуб LIVE: South Korean National Assembly Votes to Lift President's Martial Law | Seoul News Live | N18G в хорошем качестве

LIVE: South Korean National Assembly Votes to Lift President's Martial Law | Seoul News Live | N18G Трансляция закончилась 9 дней назад

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LIVE: South Korean National Assembly Votes to Lift President's Martial Law | Seoul News Live | N18G

LIVE: South Korean National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-shik Speaks on President's Martial Law | CNBC TV18 South Korean National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-shik gives an address following the President's declaration of martial law LIVE: South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol Declares Emergency Martial Law | North Korea | World News | CNBC TV18 Live outside the parliament building in Seoul after the South Korean president declared emergency martial law, accusing opposition of anti-state activities. South Korea’s president has declared an emergency martial law in the country, accusing opposition of anti-state activities. President Yoon Suk Yeol said on Tuesday that he will rebuild a free and democratic country through the martial law. “To safeguard a liberal South Korea from the threats posed by North Korea’s communist forces and to eliminate anti-state elements… I hereby declare emergency martial law,” Yoon said in a live televised address. “This is an unavoidable measure to ensure the freedom and safety of the people and guarantee the sustainability of the nation against the unrest stirred by these subversive, anti-state elements.” Han Dong-hoon, leader of the ruling conservative People Power Party, said in a statement he would “oppose the declaration of martial law alongside the people”. “The President’s declaration of martial law is wrong,” he asserted. #southkorea #northkorea #KOREA #southkoreanews #livenews #worldnews #cnbctv18
