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Скачать с ютуб Introducing the All-New John Deere 2230 Field Cultivators and 2330 Mulch Finisher в хорошем качестве

Introducing the All-New John Deere 2230 Field Cultivators and 2330 Mulch Finisher 7 лет назад

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Introducing the All-New John Deere 2230 Field Cultivators and 2330 Mulch Finisher

John Deere introduces the next level of performance in seedbed preparation: the all-new 2230LL Level-lift™ Field Cultivator, the 2230FH Floating Hitch Field Cultivator and the 2330 Mulch Finisher. Redesigned from below the ground up, our new tillage models deliver a smooth, level finish both on and below the surface – perfect for seeds to thrive. With wider widths than before, 10-mph working speeds and new integrated TruSet™ technology, you can take your productivity to the next level. With a total of 38 configurations among these new models, we’ve got the flexibility you’ll need to fit your soil conditions and agronomic program. That’s Performance That Pays. Learn more and request a quote at
