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Скачать с ютуб EP45【台灣國旅】台灣鐵道之美|平溪線-有故事的鐵道線|望古車站絕佳攝影點|這裡的外國人比台灣人多|嶺腳瀑布|十分瀑布 в хорошем качестве

EP45【台灣國旅】台灣鐵道之美|平溪線-有故事的鐵道線|望古車站絕佳攝影點|這裡的外國人比台灣人多|嶺腳瀑布|十分瀑布 1 год назад

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平溪線,十分車站,十分瀑布等等景點一定是每個台灣人都耳熟能詳的,但是在我記憶中似乎只有小時候父母帶我從南部上來北部玩時曾經來過,對這裡印象已經很模糊了,甚至還懷疑自己是不是記錯,其實我這輩子根本就還沒來過... 台灣鐵道一直都是探索台灣人文與美景的很棒途徑,這次來平溪線走走,這些地方的確很有特色,很美,也很有故事,但最令我驚訝的是外國遊客竟然比台灣人多很多。這次的旅行發掘許多平溪線的美好,希望更多人也來這邊走走逛逛,體驗這裡天燈文化與台灣鐵道之美。 另外十分車站的鄉間小路可以走到一個高點秘境,從這裡可以遠眺望谷車站與列車從山谷開出然後進站的樣子。喜歡拍火車的朋友絕對不要錯過,當然這邊應該也是一個滿有名的攝影點了。 The Pingxi Line, the Shifen Station, the Shefen Waterfall and other attractions must be familiar to every Taiwanese, but in my memory it seems that I have only been here when I was a child and my parents took me on a trip from the south to the north, so my impression of this place is already very blurred, and I even wonder if I am remembering it incorrectly, in fact, I have never been here at all in my life.... The Taiwan Railroad has always been a great way to explore the people and beauty of Taiwan, and this time I visited the Pingxi line. These places are really unique, beautiful, and have a lot of stories to tell, but what surprised me the most is that there are a lot more foreign tourists than Taiwanese. I found a lot of beauty in Pingxi Line on this trip, and I hope more people will come here to experience the culture of the sky lanterns and the beauty of Taiwan's railroads. In addition, the countryside path that leads to the Shifen station leads to a secret high point, from which you can enjoy a distant view of the Wanggu Station and the trains coming out of the valley and then entering the station. If you like to take pictures of trains, don't miss it. Of course, this is also a famous spot for photography. 👉望古車站攝影點:Google Map搜尋"望古車站攝影點" 👉音樂素材網站,有需要可使用我的連結會有額外優惠 👉攝影器材 相機:Sony A7C 鏡頭:Tamron 28-75 Gopro 9 👉我的IG:  / chenchen_vanlife   影片章節 Chapter 00:00 intro 00:19 山佳火車站出發 01:18 瑞芳車站轉車 03:19 嶺腳車站與嶺腳瀑布 06:37 菁桐車站 07:41 民宿皇宮茶坊 08:22 菁桐老街夜色與天燈 11:17 老街早上與碳場咖啡店 13:36 十分車站 15:53 十分瀑布 18:14 望古車站攝影點 #旅行 #鐵道旅行 #平溪線 #outdoor #放空 #台灣之美 #台灣美景 #台灣好玩 #taiwantravel #平溪 #asmr #Sky Lantern #スカイランタン#十分車站 #菁桐車站 #菁桐老街 #十分老街 #平溪天燈 #天燈 #碳場咖啡 #嶺腳瀑布 #十分瀑布 #許願 #秘境 #台灣鐵道之美 #台鐵 #瑞芳 #猴硐 #三貂嶺 #山佳 #輕旅行 #Tpass #gopro #sonyA7C
