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Скачать с ютуб The Delicate Science Of Preserving A Masterpiece | The Art Of Preserving Art (Ep 1) в хорошем качестве

The Delicate Science Of Preserving A Masterpiece | The Art Of Preserving Art (Ep 1) 2 года назад

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The Delicate Science Of Preserving A Masterpiece | The Art Of Preserving Art (Ep 1)

The environment and the slow passage of time make objects and artistic materials vulnerable to deterioration, but we have developed techniques to stop the damage. With the help of technological advances and technical processes, art conservation has grown over the last century. Conservators analyze pigments, glazes, glues, and materials in order to preserve them through a range of preventive and curative treatments. The conservator’s determination to preserve and recover the colors and forms of the past attests to, and protects our collective memory itself. Subscribe and click the bell icon to get more arts content every week:    / perspectivearts   Perspective is YouTube's home for the arts. Come here to get your fill of great music, theatre, art and much, much more! 📺 It's like Netflix for history... Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service and get 50% off using the code 'PERSPECTIVE' From Content licensed from to Little Dot Studios. Any queries, please contact us at: [email protected]
