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Скачать с ютуб Beginners Guide to Investing in Shares in Kenya - Nairobi Stock Exchange Investments в хорошем качестве

Beginners Guide to Investing in Shares in Kenya - Nairobi Stock Exchange Investments 1 месяц назад

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Beginners Guide to Investing in Shares in Kenya - Nairobi Stock Exchange Investments

Today's video is a beginner friendly tutorial to understanding stocks/ shares Investments in Kenya and how they work. Visit my website 👉 How to open and register for a CDS account👉    • How to Open a CSD account in 2025  | ...   List of Companies listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange Market 👉 List of Stockbrokers 👉 Get your monthly budget planner or 2024-2025 @Kes 500 👉 00:04 What are shares? 00:20 Dividends and Capital gain 02:12 Risks 05:50 Calculations 09:36 List of Stockbrokers 11:32 Fees 13:54 Choosing the company to invest in 16:49 List of companies listed in NSE Always diversify your stock investments!
