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Technologies and Corneal Disease

Join Dr. John Gelles, and Dr. Stephanie Woo for Virtual CRU 2024. Our event begins with a 1-hour free COPE approved course on Corneal Diseases. The event is followed by a virtual wine tasting for those wishing to participate - more details will be sent upon registration. Thank You for Attending "A Taste of CRU"! We hope you enjoyed the experience, education, and wine tasting! As a valued attendee, we’re excited to offer you an exclusive 50% discount for the CRU Eye Symposium, happening March 28-30, 2025, in the stunning Napa Valley. Unlock this special offer by using code TASTE50 at registration through this link: Don’t forget—students, residents, and fellows receive complimentary registration, so feel free to share this opportunity and invite them to join us for the ultimate learning experience.
