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An-My Lê: Becoming an Artist | Art21 "Extended Play" 16 лет назад

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An-My Lê: Becoming an Artist | Art21 "Extended Play"

Episode #014: An-My Lê discusses how she came to be an artist after studying biology, while printing a photograph from the series Trap Rock (2006) in her New York studio. An-My Lê's photographs and films examine the impact, consequences, and representation of war, framing a tension between the natural landscape and its violent transformation into battlefields. Suspended between the formal traditions of documentary and staged photography, Lê's work explores the disjunction between wars as historical events and the ubiquitous representation of military power in contemporary entertainment, politics, and collective consciousness. SEE: More images, videos, and news for An-My Lê. LEARN: An-My Lê is featured in the Season 4 (2007) episode Protest of the Art:21—Art in the Twenty-First Century television series on PBS. DISCUSS: What do you think about this video? Leave a comment! Learn more about An-My Lê: VIDEO | Producer: Susan Sollins & Nick Ravich. Camera: Joel Shapiro. Sound: Roger Phenix. Editor: Lizzie Donahue. Artwork courtesy: An-Me Lê. #Art21 #Art21ExtendedPlay
