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Study Habits from the Udacity Data Team 10 лет назад

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Study Habits from the Udacity Data Team

Meet Nick Gustafson, a Udacity data scientist. Nick has combed through all of our data on student behavior in the classroom and student outcomes, and has culled his findings into four simple takeaways to help you finish your course. STUDY FOR AN HOUR EVERY DAY. This one is simple. Students who graduate spend about an hour per day, three or four times per week in the classroom. USE THE MOBILE APP TO STUDY WHEREVER YOU ARE. About half of Udacity graduates use Udacity’s mobile app to study on the go. Taking advantage of small moments in the day to catch up on study time makes it easier to stay involved in class. TAKE QUIZZES SERIOUSLY! Students who graduate Udacity courses tend to spend about the same amount of time working on quizzes as they do watching videos. Practice makes perfect! These graduates are reinforcing the concepts they’ve just learned! TRY HARD, TRY OFTEN, AND YOU’LL SUCCEED! If you get a quiz wrong the first time around, don’t sweat it. Graduating students from Udacity’s Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce course pressed the test button on programming quizzes an average of 11 times, and the submit button an average of 2.5 times. With each time you test or submit an answer, you have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and become a better programmer.
