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The History of Iron and Steel 7 лет назад

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The History of Iron and Steel

Please consider donating to the Nepal Youth Foundation: It's been an amazing year and I want to thank you all for supporting this channel. Can't wait for the new year. Working on some new projects already and my production quality is only going to go up. Happy Christmas everyone! Thank you to Mike for helping me with some of the animations:    • THE PHYSICS OF BASEBALL PITCHES - ft....   How to Make Everything:    • Видео  . Awe Me:    • Ulfberht Viking Sword - MAN AT ARMS:R...   Primitive Technology:    • Primitive Technology: Forge Blower   Thank you to my patreon supporters: Adam Flohr, darth patron, Zoltan Gramantik, Josh Levent, Henning Basma, Karl Andersson, Mark Govea, Mershal Alshammari and Hank Green. Patreon: Facebook:   / realengineering1   Instagram:   /     / brianjamesmcmanus   Twitter:   / fiosracht   Once again thank you to Maeson for his amazing music. Check out his soundcloud here:   / tracks  
