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Скачать с ютуб How to decorate cake with sugarsheet and pointillism | sugarsheet technique | pointillism в хорошем качестве

How to decorate cake with sugarsheet and pointillism | sugarsheet technique | pointillism 4 года назад

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How to decorate cake with sugarsheet and pointillism | sugarsheet technique | pointillism

A special cake for a very special occasion... Strawberry cake with white chocolate ganache... . our anniversary cake using 2 design techniques... Pointillism and sugar sheet 😀 . It took me 3 days to get all the elements of this cake ready and 5-6 hours to assemble the cake.. Loved every bit of time that I spend to get this cake ready😍 . . Follow on Instagram :   / sprinklessugarandspice   . FB :   / sprinklessugarandspice   . . Music: Walk In The Park Musician: music by License:
