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How to Setup a Coin Shooting Program On the Equinox 800

Metal Detecting: In this video Rob demonstrates how he sets up a coin shooting program located in Andy Sabisch's Minelab Performance is Everything book. This coin shooting program takes advantage of several of the Equinox 800 advance features including Tone Break, Tone Pitch, Tone Volume and Discrimination so that a detectorist can cherry pick trashy parks and avoid some non coin, trashy targets. He then performs an air test in part one of this series to demonstrate the new tone breaks, tone pitches and effects of discrimination. Watch this and other History Digger videos if you are new to the Equinox or are new to metal detecting. Also be sure to check out the special subscriber giveaway contest for The History Digger merchandise (pillow, magnets, hats and stickers)! Happy Digging!
