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7 Things You Didn't Know About Terminator

WHO’S EXCITED for the Expendables 3?!? Yeah, us neither. But we are fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s overall body of work. Terminator: Genisys piques our interest, even if it’s spelled wrong. Here’s 7 things you didn’t know about the killer time-traveling robot franchise! Subscribe: These 7 facts will serve you well come Judgement Day. If “Judgement Day” is a movie trivia contest. What did you think of these bits of Terminator trivia? Were you surprised by any of these facts, or did you know them all already? Did we inspire you to engage in a bit of movie-marathoning (and if so, which Terminator franchise properties make your binge-watch-list?) What other movies would you like us to illumnate for you? Let us know in the comments below! Want to know what's going on with Cinefix in the future? Follow us Twitter for updates:   / cinefixnetwork   Oh and we're on The Facebook:   / cinefixnetwork   Movies are a very complicated mess of time, money, people, and strange decisions. Inevitably, in the hodgepodge of life that goes into creating a movie, a few strange and interesting things happen here and there that are rather fascinating little tidbits of information. Every Monday starting in 2014, tune in to Cinefix for lists of things we find out that you (probably) didn't know!
