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See why working in PSYCH as a PA or NP may be better than you think!

Have you ever considered working in Psychiatry? It is a specialty that may surprise you with a great work/life balance, new & exciting treatments, and high pay. If you've never thought about psych, or if you have dismissed it because of some preconceived notions, then maybe you should take another look. In this video, I interview Mike Asbach, a psychiatric PA, and co-host of the White Coats of the Round Table podcast. He tells us why he loves this specialty and just what his podcast is about! Link to the White Coats of the Round Table website: Check out the podcast here: Apple: Audible: Spotify: Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:36 Interventional Psychiatry 02:04 Falling into Psych 03:49 Population see in Psych 04:29 Psych PA/NP - Med mgmt or therapy 05:43 Schedule & hours working in Psych 06:40 APP Autonomy in Psych 07:43 Salary in Psych 09:23 NPs vs PAs in Psych 10:16 Challenges of working in Psych 12:06 Are Psych patients dangerous? 13:56 Why Psych is a great specialty 15:22 Unique opportunities in Psych 17:41 Opening your own Psych practice 20:00 Best rotations for Psych 21:34 How to transition into Psych 23:23 Resources for Psych 25:10 Is Psych new grad friendly? 26:32 WCRT Podcast Links to resources mentioned in the video: Association of PAs in Psychiatry: American Psychiatric Nurses Association: Psych Congress: Neuroscience Education Institute: Want to check out other medical specialties? Click on this playlist:    • Explore Medical Specialties for PAs &...   Don't forget to like, comment, and SUBSCRIBE! 👈👈👈❤️❤️❤️👈👈👈👈 Copyright free music used in the video: W43BAYEKCLO2P8HP US2KWLSSNRGWIHUD FQ1ICCQRDEIRHNRK
