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Sarajevo (Bosnia) ⭐Top 13 things to see/do/eat in 2 days [2019] 🇧🇦

History, culture, gastronomy... Sarajevo is one of the most interesting cities in the Balkans/Europe, with so much to see and do. Discover the best way you can spend 2 days in Bosnia and Herzegovina's capital city, with 13 of the top things to see/do/eat in Sarajevo through my travel vlog. Sarajevo (and Bosnia & Herzegovina) is not the easiest of places to really get to grips with, and not the most comfortable. But it has a remarkable, if rather dark, history and the people are extremely friendly and hospitable. Definitely a fascinating country to visit. Top 13 things to do in Sarajevo: 1) Funky Tours FREE Walking Tour: Get your bearings and enjoy true Bosnian hospitality 2) Baščaršija (Old Town/Bazaar): Visit Kazandžiluk (Coppersmiths) Street 3) Bosnian Burek / Pita: Flaky filo pastry stuffed with meat, cheese, spinach, etc 4) Bosnian Ćevapi: Traditional mini grilled minced meat kebabs with flatbread and onions 5) Sarajevsko Beer: Drink it at the Pivnica HS traditional tavern right next to the brewery 6) Bosnian coffee: Similar but different to Turkish coffee. Get your caffeine and sugar hit 7) Tunnel of Hope Museum: Learn about the Siege of Sarajevo, see how people survived 8) Yellow Bastion / Fortress: Best sunset viewpoint and panoramic view of Sarajevo 9) Galerija 11/07/95: Understand the Srebenica genocide 10) Latin Bridge: Stand in the place where World War I started 11) Mount Trebević Cable Car (Sarajevska žičara): Ride up the famous mountain 12) Abandoned Olympic Bobsled & Luge Track: Insta photo worthy but also horrific history 13) Bistrik Tower Urban Exploration (Urbex): Near the bottom of the bobsled track Highly recommended tours by Sarajevo Funky Tours (, especially the Free Walking Tour. Thanks to my guides Adnan and Damir. Note: I was not sponsored for these tours and paid full price as any member of the public. Other videos used under Creative Commons Licence or under Fair Use as follows Siege of Sarajevo    • Видео      • Видео      • The Siege That Devastated Sarajevo   Srebenica Genocide    • Prosecution Opening Statements - Mlad...      • Serbian barbarism: Massacres of 8000 ...   Disclaimer: Fair use has been applied to items where the copyright holder has not given specific permission or received payment for their work, but has been included as historical/news record in conjunction with my own content and commentary to give context to the history of Sarajevo and Bosnia & Herzegovina.
