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Atmakaraka (AK) in Vedic Astrology for every Graha with Ksanati

This video contains a comprehensive discussion of the position of Atmakaraka in the Vedic birth chart. Please enjoy this video which discusses each planet including Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu and its signification as the Atmakaraka. This video discusses the positive qualities each planet has as Atmakaraka (AK) as well as the challenges that come up as well. This was a co-collaborative effort with Dr. Arjun Pai Astrology's Navjeet Kaur. ☀ क्षणाति (Kṣaṇāti) ☀ ☀ Website: ☀ ☀ Email: [email protected] ☀ To Join any of Dr Arjun Pai Astrology Courses or to Book an Appointment for a Personal Chart Reading or Consultation send a private message: Facebook:   / drarjunpai   Twitter:   / drarjunpai   Instagram:   / drarjunpai   Youtube:    / drarjunpaiastrology  
