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Скачать с ютуб The Barrow King Cave | Priestking | Diadem of the Giant kings | Vanquisher of the King Beneath в хорошем качестве

The Barrow King Cave | Priestking | Diadem of the Giant kings | Vanquisher of the King Beneath 1 год назад

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The Barrow King Cave | Priestking | Diadem of the Giant kings | Vanquisher of the King Beneath

In this video, I am going to show you what you can expect on your way to the Barrow King cave, what you need to open the door, what the Priestking can drop and be harvested for, as well as where to learn the Vanquisher of the King Beneath Knowledge. 0:00 The way to the cave 2:13 Opening the cave 2:34 The Priestking's Room 3:20 Where to learn the Vanquisher of the King Beneath Knowledge
