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Welcome To Windward - Alpharetta, GA 678-665-2887 The Mary Ellen Vanaken Team - Windward Homes For Sale In Alpharetta Georgia are gorgeous. Imagine living in a private lake community with fantastic tennis that produces club level fun and competition. Windward has one of the top golf courses in Georgia along with swimming and diving pools. The community also offers a sports park for basketball, volleyball, softball and more. Windward Homes For Sale In Alpharetta Georgia are set in a 3,400 acre community among rolling, wooded hills in North Fulton County. Conveniently located near Georgia 400 in Alpharetta, Windward is just 15 miles north of I-285 and 26 miles from downtown Atlanta. The area is home to some of the best public and private schools in Atlanta. Also, Alpharetta is consistantly top-rated for its parks and recreation department, and for fire/police effectiveness.
