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All you need to know about studying in Canada as an international student

are you planning to study in Canada? in this video, I’ll tell you everything you wanted to know about Canadian colleges and universities. when I was about to study in Canada, I had these questions in mind, but could never find the answers. do I need to attend all the classes? how do I make my own schedule? what happens if I fail a course? how to save on books? hope this video helps answer your questions 📚 my programs 00:00 intro 00:39 making your own schedule 01:20 do I need to attend all the classes? 2:16 final marks and exams 4:25 what people use for studying? 5:15 what is plagiarism? can I be expelled for plagiarism? 6:11 how to save on books? 7:02 what happens if I fail a course? 8:01 online classes 9:09 how to prepare for finals 10:03 equipment for programs 10:50 co-op, work placement, volunteering 11:49 the importance of GPA 12:42 graduation & convocation 13:36 holidays and time off 📸   / heythisisyulia   PROMO 🏠 62$ off Airbnb - 🚗 $2 off first 3 rides with Uber - 🚙. $5 off Lyft - 🖌 2 free months of Skillshare - DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission that will help me to grow my channel. Thank you for your support! 🌻 #Canada #StudyInCanada #InternationalStudent
