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Скачать с ютуб India ka Sabse Famous Chole Kulche Wala 🔥 यहाँ 1 घंटे की Waiting के बाद नंबर आता he 😲 в хорошем качестве

India ka Sabse Famous Chole Kulche Wala 🔥 यहाँ 1 घंटे की Waiting के बाद नंबर आता he 😲 2 года назад

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India ka Sabse Famous Chole Kulche Wala 🔥 यहाँ 1 घंटे की Waiting के बाद नंबर आता he 😲

Ask any chole kulche lover about Mayapuri ke famous chole Kulche and a smile on thier faces will say everything. This is India's most popular and most sold chole kulche where you literally have to wait for hours to grab a plate of this treat. Set up 50 years back on a small cart, this place has come a looong way and today they have set-up a small shop with their sheer hardwork and determination. If you too are a fan of chole kulche and haven't eaten here, its time you do so now.. Name: Famous Chole Kulche in Mayapuri Address: Junk Market Mayapuri, Mayapuri Industrial Area Phase II, Mayapuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110064 Timings: 1 pm to 7 pm Price: Rs 60/- Google location: #cholekulche #indianstreetfood #vegetarian
