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Logitech G920 Wheel & Pedal SETTINGS! (Forza Horizon 4)

Today I showcase a setup of the Logitech G920 Wheels and Pedals in Forza Horizon 4! Out of the box this setup can be difficult to drive, but with my recommendations it can be a breeze! I look at in-game settings and also Logitech G Hub on PC. This wheel is extremely fun when you get it set right to your liking! 00:00 - Intro 00:29 - Logitech G HUB Settings 01:50 - Forza Horizon 4 Settings 06:34 - Driving Gameplay 10:53 (Attempting) to Drift 12:33 - Outro SUBSCRIBE! -    / theaussiegamer   Instagram -   / cameronvanhooft   Twitter -   / theaussiegamerr   Twitch Channel -   / theaussiegameryt  
