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Probability! | Mini Math Movies | Scratch Garden

Learn probability basics and simple probability with this new math lessons for kids from Scratch Garden! This video explores making predictions and the likelihood of events, and features plenty of examples of scenarios that can be classified as certain, possible, or impossible. You are very likely to learn about chance and probability while watching this fun math video! 00:00 - Introduction 00:29 - Introducing Probability 02:33 - Certain vs. Possible vs. Impossible Examples 04:48 - Likelihood of Events Examples 05:47 - Outro Mini Math Movies is a new mathematics educational series from Scratch Garden full of in depth math lessons for kids! Check out the full playlist here: Scratch Garden makes entertaining educational videos for people that like to laugh and learn! Please Subscribe to see more great fun learning videos from Scratch Garden! Website: Instagram:   / scratchgarden   Facebook:   / scratchgarden   #minimathmovies #probability #mathlessonsforkids
