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What it takes to make an independent film | Ida Åkesson | FilmTalks 4 года назад

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What it takes to make an independent film | Ida Åkesson | FilmTalks

FilmTalks is a series of conversations where local filmmakers talk us through their filmmaking journeys, and we learn about what it’s like to be an (independent) filmmaker in Sweden. Follow along to hear about exciting stories and projects Swedish local filmmakers work on and find out more about the development, production process, and distribution of independent films in Sweden. In this episode, we talk to Ida Åkesson, writer, producer, and director from Skåne. She shares her experience in working on different film projects and talks about why it’s important to make connections and collaborate with other people, as an independent filmmaker. If you want to learn more about FilmCentrum Syd and how you can get support for your film project, visit: Follow us on social media: Facebook:   / filmcentrumsyd   Instagram:   / filmcentrum.  . Twitter:   / filmcentrumsyd  
