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Scavenger's Reign - Creating a Truly Alien World 12 дней назад

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Scavenger's Reign - Creating a Truly Alien World

The story begins with the Demeter 227 going missing and the decision not to pursue it. There is a short mournful lament for those on the ship, but no one wants to spend the resources going after it, so life goes on. We follow three different paths for the survivors from the Demeter. Ursula and Sam, who live in the escape pods trying to configure a contraption to force the Demeter to land, which circles in the atmosphere above. Azi and the robot Levi, and Kamen, all three paths follow their trials and attempts to survive the alien world. Those who want a more traditional story, with likeable characters, and inner personal aspects and to be pulled into a story will not have that. I think this is why the show has had a hard time catching a widespread audience, however, it means that it has generated a devoted following. I’m only a few episodes in and so far I’m enjoying it. The show doesn’t explain much. It’s meant as a showcase for a strange and horrific planet and lets the audience see it play out. What it means is that those who love the world and the art and minimalism behind it, will truly love it because there is nothing else I’ve seen that comes close to this. Music by Simon Swerwer, Cuggin's Cove, Emergence, Inith and Od Travel North
