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Thailand News : Fire Destroys Iconic "Ship Hotel" on Koh Chang 7 дней назад

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Thailand News : Fire Destroys Iconic "Ship Hotel" on Koh Chang

Today we’ll be talking about a daring underwear thief in Phuket, the future of gay marriage in the land of smiles, and a little later the outbreak of martial law in South Korea. 00:00 | Intro 00:30 | Fire Destroys Iconic "Ship Hotel" on Koh Chang 02:23 | Phuket Woman Exposes Underwear Thief 04:27 | Cannabis Retail Chain Faces Extortion Allegations 06:49 | Thai PM Expects Fishermen’s Return from Myanmar 09:24 | Thailand to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage 14:34 | Monk's Clever Eyebrow Fix Enables Payment 16:25 | Indonesia Secures $1 Billion Apple Investment 18:38 | Exxon Considers Selling Singapore Fuel Stations 20:03 | South Korea Declares Martial Law Amid Political Crisis 24:37 | Cambodia Blocks Crypto Exchanges Amid Cleanup Ad-free website, 3 months free for subscribers and members: Join our podcast: For sponsoring GMT or any business inquiries, please get in touch with us here: [email protected] #GMT #TheThaiger #Thaiger #ThailandNews 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to be notified of new content: 📹 JOIN to become a YouTube member:    / @thethaiger   🔎 BROWSE to read the latest news: 🧧 DONATE to The Thaiger Team: 🤷 GUEST appearance on GMT, apply here:
