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What I Wish I Knew About the First Trimester | OB-GYN Pregnancy VLOG

As the first trimester comes to an end, I wanted to share with you all of the things I wish I knew ahead of time! I go over all of the less glamorous parts of pregnancy that no one really talks about but EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW! First trimester fatigue, morning sickness, constipation, "mom-brain", miscarriage, weight gain, stretchy pants, prenatal care during COVID... all of it. **Follow along for our weekly pregnancy update on Wednesdays! We will be covering everything from TTC, infertility, prenatal care, labor and delivery, best baby gear, your baby's week by week development, postpartum concerns, and other pregnancy tips and tricks! Affiliate links to all products mentioned in videos here: Week 12 Video - Gender Reveal!    • Gender Reveal That Will Make you Smil...   Intro Music: A WAY FOR ME - Nicolai Heidlas by Chem Ocampo Keywords: first trimester, prenatal care, pregnancy vlog, pregnant obgyn, first trimester recap, nausea, pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy guide, pregnancy update, doctor mom
