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Ep 6: Halifax Original Donair

Troy Power of Halifax Original Donair in Burlington, Ontario. describes what a donair is what makes it a quintessentially Haligonian creation. Halifax Original Donair can be reached at Burlington: 905.333.0406 Milton: 905.878.0406 "Once upon a time (yea that's right, I said once upon a time) there were two BFF's, one of them being from a traditional Greek background, his dad also being one of the old school originators of the donair and the other working for the original owner of "King of Donair". The two BFF's, Jimmy and Troy worked the donair and pizzeria circuit across Canada for most of their lives always dreaming of one day owning their own shop. Both Jimmy and Troy worked at Costco to pay the bills. They still had dreams of one day opening that Donair shop. They would even cook donairs for the staff to try. Jimmy ended up meeting his future wife at Costco. Troy married Jimmy's wife's sister! They all ended up settling in Milton. They ALL decided to take a leap of faith and fufill a now shared dream of opening an authentic Donair shop. In 2008 after years of searching they found THE place, right in their own backyard - Milton. After 2.5 years of success and the demand for authentic halifax donair's they decided to open a second location in Burlington. You will now find one couple heading up Milton and the other couple in Burlington. All of them living their dream. So, anyone looking for downhome goodness drop on by!" Burlington 52 can be reached at: Thanks for watching!
