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London Walk: Leicester Square to Buckingham Palace 3 года назад

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London Walk: Leicester Square to Buckingham Palace

Join Sinead, a Free Tours by Foot tour guide on a London walk from Leicester Square to Buckingham Palace. Along the way, you will make stops at Piccadilly Circus, St. James's Square, St. James's Park, Pall Mall, and Buckingham Palace. Want to book Sinead for a private tour? Contact our London Manager: [email protected] This is a relaxing "walk with me" video through some of London's most iconic locations. So, sit back and let Sinead show you around just as she would a close friend. ----------- If you enjoyed the tour, then please consider leaving Sinead a Tip at (no account needed) or on Paypal at And consider leaving her a review of this tour at ----------- Be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the bell 🔔 notification so you are alerted as we create new ones.    / @toursbyfootlondon   VISITING LONDON? Join us for a guided walk or look for our travel tips to help plan your trip. Find out more at ** Other London Virtual Tours **    / @toursbyfootlondon   ** All our Virtual Tours Worldwide **    • Плейлист   ------------------- Follow us on SOCIAL MEDIA: 👋   / freetoursbyfootlondon   👋   / freetoursbyfoot   👋   / freetoursbyfoot   Thanks for watching our video! Let us know if you have any comments or questions below 👇 Guide: Sinead O'Leary #London #walkwithme #virtualtour
