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The first video of Software Architecture Introduction Course covering basics and fundamentals principles. In these series of videos I will be doing a Software Architecture Introduction in a practical way. Many concepts like Architecture patterns like Layered Architecture, Scalability and scalable systems design, Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling, Software Quality and many other topics. In this first video of Software Architecture Course I will be covering the basics and fundamentals topics required to build an eCommerce side. I show what it's like to start a new project and what to look for to avoid pitfalls like overengineering. For more topics regarding Software Architecture and Design checkout the playlist: • Software Architecture and Design ----------------------- 🔖 Some resources used as reference for this and the other videos in the series: Incentivized: Building Evolutionary Architectures: https://amzn.to/337bPwj Cracking the Coding Interview: https://amzn.to/3cEvabk Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems: https://amzn.to/3ibsQtg Risk Driven Architecture (incentivized): https://amzn.to/3a8wdQC Microservices Patterns (incentivized): https://amzn.to/3e5C7Ds Others: Software Architecture Patterns: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/... Martin Fowler's Architecture Post: https://martinfowler.com/architecture/ 10 Common Software Architectural Patterns in a Nutshell: https://towardsdatascience.com/10-com... CAP Twelve Years Later How the Rules Have Changed: https://www.infoq.com/articles/cap-tw... Scalable System Design Patterns: http://horicky.blogspot.com/2010/10/s... Design Scalable Systems: https://hexadix.com/design-scalable-s... CAP Theorem (IBM article): https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/cap-t... ----------------------- 🤓 If you are preparing for a technical interview, don't miss my playlist: https://devstory.page.link/technical-... 📚 I have also prepared FREE study guides available here (no subscription needed): https://devstory.page.link/study-guides ----------------------- Remember you can reach me here: #️⃣ Twitter: / cv13lm4 -⌨️ Github: https://github.com/cvielma ----------------------- In A Dev' Story I explain Software Development related topics from my point of view. I'll be explaining different topics in "Chapters" according to the stage of the story I think they belong. Hope is as entertaining for you as it's fun for me to create these videos Thanks again for watching! Feel free to like, comment, share and subscribe, it means a lot to me and helps the channel grow. #SoftwareArchitecture #SoftwareEngineering #Programming