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Analyzing Evil: Hans Landa 4 года назад

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Analyzing Evil: Hans Landa

Welcome everyone to the fourteenth episode of Analyzing Evil! Our feature villain for this video is Hans Landa from Inglorious Basterds. I hope you enjoy, and thanks for watching. If you have any feedback or questions feel free to let me know below! Merch Store: Patreon:   / thevileeye   Reddit:   / thevileeye   Discord:   / discord   Twitter:   / thevileeye   ​Instagram:   / thevileeye​   Video Edited by Stujthevamp. Check him out here:   / stujthevamp   Merchandise by Christian Kohn. Check him out here: Channel Artwork by Dicky Candra Irawan. You can find more of his work on his instagram here:   / ​   Charlie Rose interview with Tarantino:    • Quentin Tarantino Explains the Pipe S...   Scenes and Songs video on Shoshanna and Landa:    • Does Hans Landa Recognize Shosanna? |...   The song in this video, 9th Symphony, Finale by Beethoven was provided by the YouTube Audio Library. #HansLanda #IngloriousBasterds #QuentinTarantino
