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Should You Be Using Fabric Softener?

Some people say you should never use fabric softeners, while others swear by them. So when should you use fabric softeners, and what should you look out for in them? Blake answers those questions and more. Check out our design channel here:    / @blvdhomedesign   Check out our flooring channel here:    / @blvdhomeflooring5181   🛋 BLVDHOME: 🛋 INSTAGRAM:   / boulevardhome   🛋 FACEBOOK:   / boulevardhome   🛋 PINTEREST:   / boulevardhome   Live within our local delivery area? You can shop the area's largest in-stock selection of furniture, appliances, mattresses, flooring, home decor, and more at + No Interest In-house Financing is available up to 36 months* on mattresses. 0:00 - Intro 0:26 - The Main Ingredient in Fabric Softener 1:41 - The Right Way to Use Fabric Softener 3:39 - Is Fabric Softener Bad? 5:08 - Does Fabric Softener Affect My Dryer? 6:38 - Outro
