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Скачать с ютуб FOOLHARDY (V2) - Friday Night Funkin' D-Sides (ft. BBPANZU, WRATHSTETIC) в хорошем качестве

FOOLHARDY (V2) - Friday Night Funkin' D-Sides (ft. BBPANZU, WRATHSTETIC) 4 месяца назад

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FOOLHARDY (V2) - Friday Night Funkin' D-Sides (ft. BBPANZU, WRATHSTETIC)

Hell waits for no one. ART ON COVER AND IN VIDEO BY OFFBI! : Hey guys! If you didn't already see on DastardlyDeacons twitter, D-SIDES debuted THREE YEARS AGO today! And to celebrate there will be 3 tracks being dropped today...and the first one was a song I got to make with an icon for FNF modding that I've been meaning to work on a song with for a while :0]. and of course I got my friend Wrathstetic to help with things that I got stuck on to make it right! I hope you enjoy this new take! If it's not your thing, that's ok! I tried to go more in the ballpark of the OG Foolhardy (Not the D-sides take) and also just made it feel like an Old FNF song! It was a lot of fun to work with! and also was the start of my little thing of different time signatures ... (Thank you BBPANZU ... ) Enjoy it! BBPANZU : WRATHSTETIC : friday night funkin'
