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Vision Casting Will Change Your Life! 5 лет назад

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Vision Casting Will Change Your Life!

Join Ryan Pearson & Scorpio Mosley in episode 7 of Our3Sense as they talk with Jeremy Sisson, CEO of Evan James & Associates (an award-winning, full-service commercial real estate brokerage headquartered in Central Florida) about the importance of Vision Casting for Success! In addition to discussing Vision Casting... Jeremy will discuss his company's mission to bring back the American Dream via their "game changing" American Steel Collection of homes. Jeremy is also the former President of Guys with Ties, A local non-profit organization that raises money for a variety of worthwhile causes! He is also an avid investor as you can see with his company's involvement in the Opportunity Zone Fund. This is a must see interview for anyone looking to achieve greater levels of success then they ever thought previously possible. Fins out more about Evan James & Associates, The Opportunity Zone Fund, The American Steel Collection, or Jeremy Sisson himself.... please visit their website @ Please Subscribe to our channel and leave us a comment if you enjoy this interview!
