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Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe Despite many meetings with European leaders to stop the contagion, the economic crisis in Europe is spreading. Fast and with severe consequences. Spain is the most recent target for a European bailout. Last week, facing a potential run on its banks, European leaders promised hundreds of billions of euros to Spain to help calm the situation. But with a massive government debt and more than 24 per cent unemployment, will the Spanish people get through this? Jose Luis Zapatero, Spain's former prime minister, left office last year as the crisis was taking hold. He called for elections hoping a new government would get control of the situation. And he himself decided not to run for another term. Before the most recent bailout promises were made to Spain's banks Talk to Al Jazeera met Zapatero to discuss what has been described as the most difficult political crisis facing the world right now. At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.' Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained. Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on. We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels. Social Media links: Facebook: / aljazeera Instagram: https://instagram.com/aljazeera/?ref=... Twitter: / ajenglish Website: http://www.aljazeera.com/ google+: https://plus.google.com/+aljazeera/posts