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Defence Line of Amsterdam - UNESCO World Heritage Site

A tour of the 19th-century defences of Amsterdam, a series of 46 impressive forts in a huge ring around the city and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The plan was, if the Netherlands was attacked, they could flood the area with a a colossal amount of water, preventing armies from reaching the city. A moat, 13 kilometres in diameter - only the Dutch! More World Heritage sites in Netherlands:    • The Netherlands 🇳🇱 - UNESCO World Her...   More defensive fortification World Heritage sites: Historic Forts of Elvas:    • The Historic Forts of Elvas - UNESCO ...   Old Town of Avila:    • The Old Town of Ávila - UNESCO World ...   Fortifications of Luxembourg:    • Old Quarter and Fortifications: City ...   Don't forget to Like and Subscribe to see more of my UNESCO World Heritage Journey! Music: - Happiness
